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Toro Energy Limited (T4W.SG)

Stuttgart - Stuttgart Precio retrasado. Moneda en EUR.
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0.1670-0.0110 (-6.18%)
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Transacciones de miembros de la gerencia

Moneda en EUR
Compras de miembros de la gerencia en los últimos 6 mesesAccionesTrans
Acciones netas compradas (vendidas)N/DN/D
Acciones totales pertenecientes a miembros de la gerenciaN/DN/D
Acciones netas compradas (vendidas) en %N/DN/D
Compras institucionales netas del trimestre anterior al últimoAcciones
Acciones netas compradas (vendidas)N/D
Cambio en acciones institucionales propias en %N/D

Información confidencial de transacciones reportada (últimos dos años)

Miembro de la gerenciaTransacciónTipoValorFechaAcciones

Netscher (Timothy Carl)
Chairman of the Board

Directo19 abr 2016132,454

Hall (Gregory Campbell)
Managing Director

Purchase at price 0.06 per share.Directo4,73212 feb 201475,000

McGeough (Mark)
Divisional Officer

Directo30 jun 2012121,250

Carter (Derek Northleigh)
Director (Non-Executive)

Other at price 0.08 per share.Directo5,28716 mar 201262,500

Lester (Peter Robert)
Director (Non-Executive)

Other at price 0.08 per share.Directo7,93116 mar 201293,750

Nitschke (John Stephen)
Director (Non-Executive)

Other at price 0.08 per share.Directo15,86216 mar 2012187,500

Smyth (Erica Lee)
Chairman of the Board

Other at price 0.08 per share.Directo7,93116 mar 201293,750

Lester (Peter Robert)
Director (Non-Executive)

Purchase at price 0.08 per share.Directo5,05208 nov 201160,000

McGeough (Mark)
Divisional Officer

Directo30 jun 201111,500

Hall (Gregory Campbell)
Managing Director

Purchase at price 0.11 per share.Directo5,06813 may 201148,000

Nitschke (John Stephen)
Director (Non-Executive)

Purchase at price 0.10 per share.Directo24,97523 sept 2010250,000

Sells (Jeffrey)

Directo02 ago 201016,000

Mitchell (Simon J)
Divisional Officer

Directo30 jun 201050,000

McGeough (Mark)
Divisional Officer

Directo30 jun 201033,333

Hall (Gregory Campbell)
Managing Director

Other at price 0.14 per share.Directo4,58624 nov 200933,333

Carter (Derek Northleigh)
Director (Non-Executive)

Other at price 0.14 per share.Directo4,58624 nov 200933,333

Smyth (Erica Lee)
Chairman of the Board

Other at price 0.14 per share.Directo4,58624 nov 200933,333

McGeough (Mark)
Divisional Officer

Directo30 jun 20095,053

Mitchell (Simon J)
Divisional Officer

Directo30 jun 200950,000

Hall (Gregory Campbell)
Managing Director

Purchase at price 0.08 per share.Directo2,08213 nov 200825,000

Hall (Gregory Campbell)
Managing Director

Purchase at price 0.09 per share.Directo3,29307 nov 200835,000

Hall (Gregory Campbell)
Managing Director

Purchase at price 0.10 per share.Directo3,43005 nov 200835,000

Smyth (Erica Lee)
Chairman of the Board

Purchase at price 0.07 per share.Directo3,37430 oct 200845,847

Sells (Jeffrey)
Director (Non-Executive)

Directo30 jun 200816,000

Smyth (Erica Lee)
Chairman of the Board

Directo30 jun 200853,037