- Precio de cierre del día anterior
169.01 - Apertura
183.86 - Oferta 192.78 x 100
- Demanda 193.62 x 100
- Rango diario
180.37 - 197.70 - Rango de 52 semanas
126.57 - 197.70 - Volumen
665,548 - Volumen prom.
222,365 - Capitalización bursátil (intradiario)
3.226MM - Beta (mensual por 5 años) 1.10
- Índice de relación precio/utilidad (últimos doce meses)
24.81 - EPS (últimos doce meses)
7.78 - Fecha de utilidades 23 abr 2025 - 28 abr 2025
- Proyección de dividendo y rentabilidad --
- Fecha de exdividendo --
- Est. anual
OSI Systems, Inc. designs and manufactures electronic systems and components. It operates in three segments: Security, Healthcare, and Optoelectronics and Manufacturing. The Security segment offers baggage and parcel inspection, cargo and vehicle inspection, hold baggage and people screening, radiation monitoring, explosive and narcotics trace detection systems, and optical inspection systems under the Rapiscan name. It also provides site design, installation, training, and technical support services; and turnkey security screening solutions under the S2 name. The Healthcare segment offers patient monitoring, cardiology and remote monitoring, and connected care systems and accessories under the Spacelabs name for use in critical care, emergency, and perioperative areas within hospitals, physicians' offices, medical clinics, and ambulatory surgery centers. The Optoelectronics and Manufacturing segment provides optoelectronic devices under the OSI Optoelectronics, OSI LaserDiode, OSI Laserscan, and Advanced Photonix names for the aerospace and defense, avionics, medical imaging and diagnostics, biochemistry analysis, pharmaceutical, nanotechnology, telecommunications, construction, and homeland security markets. It also offers electronics manufacturing services to original equipment manufacturers and end users for medical, automotive, defense, aerospace, industrial, and consumer applications under the OSI Electronics, APlus Products, Altaflex, and PFC Flexible Circuits names; LCD displays for medical, industrial, and consumer electronics applications; and flex circuits for OEM customers. This segment offers laser-based remote sensing devices to detect and classify vehicles in toll and traffic management systems under the OSI Laserscan and Autosense names; and solid-state laser products for aerospace, telecommunication, defense, and medical applications under the OSI LaserDiode name. The company was incorporated in 1987 and is headquartered in Hawthorne, California.
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Fin del año fiscal
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Estadísticas: OSIS
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Precio/Ventas (ttm)
Precio/reserva (TMR)
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Valor de la empresa/BAIIDA
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Ingresos (ttm)
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BPA diluido (ttm)
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Caja total (TMR)
Deuda/capital total (TMR)
Flujo de caja disponible apalancado (ttm)